SHElect Program

#1- SHElect: Women of Color and Political Leadership

Intended audience: High School and College Students who identify as girls/women
Time Needed: 6 hours (usually 9:30am-3:30pm), including lunch for participants

Proposed Outcomes

Upon completion of this educational activity, the participant will:
1. Examine privilege and power at the personal/individual level as well as at the system/organizational level.
2. Explore intersections of identity
3. Identify the barriers that exist for women of color in political leadership and solutions for overcoming those barriers
4. Create and deliver an elevator speech that explains their platform
5. Learn how to build their message within their community and how to take the message to others outside their community.
6. Learn how to build a network of allies
7. Identify techniques to create funding for their campaign
8. Identify next steps to continue this work.
9. Leave with resources on best practices, models and references to continue their work.

# 2: 30 minute Phone/Web/In-Person Consultation for participants

Follow-up workshop with staff and/or students. Participants will identify what aspects of their Action Plan were completed; what change occurred and how they can continue to sustain the changes they began.